Zoetrope Car Care

A Meditation on Car Culture in a Celluloid Wonderland

This is a proposal for a self-serve car wash in Southern California. It is a structure first and foremost for the automobile, a shower for the car, while also a sort of specialized parking lot. It is at once a parking lot and a building. It is as if human showers were also bedrooms. As such, the scheme accommodates the parking lot nature of the program while creating architectural structure. Because of the location of the site, the building also serves as a sign. Rather than an architecture separate from the parking lot and signification as we find in a mini-mall, this structure is both the building and the parking lot simultaneously. The language of billboard advertising, which is specifically directed towards car-centric culture, was employed and repeated as a sign for this car-wash, its repetition simulating the motion picture as a kind of flip book of billboard “pages”.